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Title untitled
File size 600789 bytes (600789)
MD5 Hash aff8fbfa9cd0156cd2154ace8922128d
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001| 1st place!                 |001| ntitled                    |
|002|   PutInst 4.0              |002| ntitled                    |
|003| })=The Genesis Factor=({   |003| ntitled                    |
|004| prior permission.Thanks;)  |004| ntitled                    |
|005| -                          |005| ntitled                    |
|006| finished :                 |006| ntitled                    |
|007| t. saloranta               |007| ntitled                    |
|008| Piano High  [King Melvyl]  |008| ntitled                    |
|009|                            |009| untitled                   |
|010| A L I E N                  |010| ntitled                    |
|011| O F                        |011| ntitled                    |
|012| Yogi/Zyklop                |012| ntitled                    |
|013| Acryl/RR                   |013| ntitled                    |
|014| Contact :                  |014| ntitled                    |
|015| d95305@tron.               |015| ntitled                    |
|016| homepage:                  |016| ntitled                    |
|017| Electric Snare (Standard)  |017| Standard                   |
|018| Contact :                  |018| ntitled                    |
|019|                            |019| untitled                   |
|020| Slow Strings               |020| Slow Strings               |
|021| Tambourine (Standard)      |021| Slow Strings               |
|022| Acoustic Snare (Standard)  |022| Slow Strings               |
+---+----------------------------+023| Standard                   |
                                 |024| Standard                   |