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File size 897041 bytes (897041)
Download Firestorm.xm
MD5 Hash 42d930bcb42d12d6187e8ceb4266cbf2
JJ2 Downloads 1 file(s)
Related tags fire, hot, lava, xlm
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Internal text
|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| ---------------------- |001| by t-tracker           |
|002|         12.2.2010      |002|                        |
|003|      Mc Toni of        |003|                        |
|004|   Creative Trackers    |004|                        |
|005| ---------------------- |005|                        |
|006|        Firestorm       |006|                        |
|007|            8  bit      |007|                        |
|008| ---------------------- |008|                        |
|009| ---------------------- |009|                        |
|010|        This track is   |010| by t-tracker           |
|011|          product of    |011| by t-tracker           |
|012|    Creative Tracker    |012| by t-tracker           |
|013| ---------------------- |013|                        |
|014|    All rights reserved |014| by t-tracker           |
|015|           (c) Mc Toni  |015|                        |
|016| ---------------------- |016|                        |
|017|                        |017| by t-tracker           |
|018|                        |018|                        |
|019| ---------------------- +---+------------------------+
|020|                        |
|021|                        |
|022| ---------------------- |
|023|      |
|024|                        |
|025|     Nicest greet's to  |
|026|    all members of CT,  |
|027|       especially to :  |
|028|    FawFuL              |
|029|  Luiggi Elettrico      |
|030|                        |
|031|                        |
|032|                        |
|033|                        |
|034|                        |
|035|                        |
|036|                        |
|037|                        |
|038|                        |
|039|                        |
|040|                        |
|041| ---------------------- |
|042|         The Story :    |
|043| ---------------------- |
|044|  The fingers were fast |
|045|       flying over the  |
|046|   keyboard, and eyes,  |
|047| pasted on the display, |
|048| didn't see the changes |
|049|  on the other side of  |
|050| the window... But, the |
|051| bulb-flashing was the  |
|052|  first & the last sign |
|053|    that something is   |
|054|  wrong... In the room  |
|055|  there was suddenly    |
|056|  total dark, just like |
|057|  in other 1000 offices |
|058|     and apartments...  |
|059|      Rihgt after that, |
|060|  everything disapeared |
|061|     in terrible flame. |
|062|  The Firestorm came... |
|063|        ... to rule ... |
|064| ---------------------- |
|065|    This is important : |
|066| ---------------------- |
|067|     Play this track in |
|068|        MPT only...!!   |
|069| ---------------------- |
|070| Fast forward / rewind  |
|071|  at your own risk...!! |
|072| ---------------------- |
|073| ---------------------- |
|074|       My advice to     |
|075|   all of ya trackers : |
|076|                        |
|077| Put it in gear, Jack ! |
|078|                        |
|079|                        |
|080| ---------------------- |